Mental Health Program Analysis

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The program that was selected to research from list in The California Evidence-Based Clearinghouse for Child Welfare in the area of Infant and Toddler Mental Health Programs that serves families with children from birth to age three with Theraplay. The program targets children who exhibit behavioral problems with the use of play therapy sessions. In this paper, I will briefly review the program and the rating associated with the program. In addition, a description on the programs perception will be given and finalize with a person reflection on the program Program The program provides children and their parents/guardians/caregivers opportunities for the use of play as a form of therapy in attempt to enhance attachment, self-esteem, trust, and joyful engagement with one another. Children refereed include problems with depression, withdrawn, phobias, overactive-aggression, temper tantrums, phobias, and difficulty socializing and making friends. The goals of Theraplay for the child include increasing their sense of felt safety/security, increasing their capacity to regulate affect, and increase a positive body image. In return the caregiver also learn to set clear expectations and limits, ensure the caregiver’s leadership is balanced with…show more content…
The families typically receive 30 to 45 minute weekly sessions and the duration is approximately a year and a half. The first session consists of information gathering by using personal interviews with the parents/caregivers. The second and third session are observation sessions using the Marschak Interaction Method (MIM), in which the child performs interactive tasks with the parent/caregiver. The fourth session is a planning session, where the therapist(s) and parents/caregivers discuss their findings of the interactions and together design a plan for treatment. The fifth through 20th session is direct Theraplay with the

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