Veterinary Nurse Case Study

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Slide 1 – what is a veterinary nurse? • Veterinary nurses (VNs) are vital members within a veterinary team because they work alongside a veterinary surgeon (VS) in providing care and treatment to various patients. • The veterinary nurse role can be challenging and can entail working long and antisocial hours. • Nevertheless the job is undeniably rewarding when an ill patient under your care has recovered, alongside working with colleagues who take pride in their work. (RCVS, 2016) Slide 2 – what do veterinary nurses do? • They can administer medical treatments, run diagnostic tests, prepare animals for surgeries and perform minor surgical procedures all under the direction of a VS. Monitor anaesthetised animals. • Provide education to owners…show more content…
• Once SVN has completed all of their training they then make a declaration and gain the title Registered Veterinary Nurse (RVN). (RCVS, 2014) Slide 4 – Declaration " I PROMISE AND SOLEMNLY DECLARE that I will pursue the work of my profession with integrity and accept my responsibilities to the public, my clients, the profession and the Royal College of Veterinary Surgeons, and that, ABOVE ALL, my constant endeavour will be to ensure the health and welfare of animals committed to my care.“ (RCVS, 2014) Slide 5 – The registered veterinary nurse (RVN) • Once qualified an RVN is required to pay a fee once a year to the Royal College of Veterinary Surgeons (RCVS) in order to join the Register of Veterinary Nurses, enabling them to practise certain privileges under the Veterinary Surgeon's Act 1966 (Schedule 3 Amendment) Order 2002. • When registered they must undertake 45 hours of Continuing Professional Development (CPD) over a three year period. • They have opportunities in applying as head veterinary nurse, practice manager, go into research and teach the next generation of…show more content…
• As a statutory regulator it is responsible under the Veterinary Surgeons Act 1966 in the maintenance of the VS and VN register. • The RCVS set the standards for veterinary education and the of VS and VNs professional code of conduct. • Awards fellowships, diplomas and certificates to veterinary surgeons, veterinary nurses and others. • In 2015 the royal charter was adjusted following the formal recognition of veterinary nursing as a profession. (Cooper et al., 2011). Slide 7 – The veterinary surgeons act 1966 • It is a legislation that aims to help regulate the veterinary professions and their registers. • This legislation is in place to ensure the welfare of animals and to inhibit unqualified individuals from carrying out techniques that will potentially be detrimental to the health of an animal. • The regulation of professional conduct, including suspension of registration and

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