William Golding's Lord Of The Flies: Chapter Analysis

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The lives of the boys on the island could have been greatly impacted had they continued down a more civilized path in their actions. Situations on the island would have been handled differently and much more efficient. At the beginning of the book, the boys attempted civility, but despite their best efforts, they lost control and chaos broke out onto the island. Unity is the key to civilization and division will send a society to savagery. The boys had an idea of what a civilized life should be but as they slowly lost that concept, the island fell to a savage way of living. When the group of boys first realize they are stranded on an island with no adults, Ralph attempts to control the group in a well mannered way. Their first sign of organization is their democratic form of voting for a chief . Most boys agree that, “This toy of voting was almost as pleasing as the conch” (Page 22 Paragraph 14). At this point, Ralph has a good handle on the island and it looks as if the situation is under control. That element of control and organization could have continued if all events on the island took place in this manner, unfortunately, this is not the case. The combination of the boys being immersed with their tribe-leader Jack and his outlook on their responsibilities(hunting), and being overcome with fear of the “beastie” was not a good atmosphere for the island. The boys disregard reality and…show more content…
The naval officer asks why they aren’t very organized, Ralph responded with, “It was like that at first...we were together then” (Page 202 Paragraph 2). At the beginning of their adventures on the island, there is no fighting over chief, no death, no isolation. Everyone on the island is together and listening to each other. Had the boys held on to that idea of unity, most of their problems wouldn’t have occurred in the first

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