Karl Marx: The Law And Sociology Of Marx

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The Law and Sociology of Marx Introduction Marxism is a sociological theory designed in the eighteenth century by the radical philosopher, Karl Marx (1818-1883). Born in Trier, Prussia; Marx’s ideology is based on the interrelationship between human societies. According to this philosophy, societies contain economic class divisions that dictate human interactions. These interactions are the basis for the development of human rights and law. While it is an instrument for the attainment and preservation of political authority, this theory demonstrates how law and human rights arise from the relationships of human beings within social systems made up of economic class divisions. In addition, it views human relations as a contest between social…show more content…
Marxists argue that religion is an offshoot of a distorted and impoverished world, falsely represents the reality of the society, and is created by everyday reality (Rosen pg3). This philosophy states that, the purpose of religion is to maintain social systems by diverting the community from its flaws and providing a means of self-realization. According to Karl Marx, “Religion is the sigh of the oppressed creature, the heart of a heartless world and the soul of soulless conditions. It is the opium of the people.” (Rosen pg6). This statement implies that the main aim for religion is to achieve partial human fulfillment which would not be possible in the real world. It illustrates that the religion practised by a community are often a reflection of the society. As a result, religion is considered as an illusion which is dependent upon the social circumstances in which it is concieved and…show more content…
Here, the state is an organization of the bourgeois that oppresses the proletariat. The socialist law conferred by Marxists aims at creating a less corrupt society. If such a law is adopted as the basis for all constitutions, judgments, and rights, it invalidates any moral code or natural law. In so doing, this arrangement creates a flexible legal system that is crucial in the creation of an authority that caters to the interests of the proletariat. The moral and legal framework of a community is described as an ideology that mirrors the appropriate form of production and class concerns. In this setting, the aim of law is to provide a venue for the protection of the society against tyrannical occurrence on behalf of the authorities. However, in a capitalist society, the law is the appliance of the policy of the ruling class. This implies that Marxism insists on the fatal contradictions of a liberal political economy. These contradictions upon reaching a breaking point would result in the formation of a new order of
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