Organizational Culture In The Workplace

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Every person is featured with various characteristics and behavioral styles. Variousbusiness organizations also come with their inherit culture to impact the organizational operation. Organizational culture, in addition to the capability to integrate daily activities of employees to reach the planned goals, can also help organizations adapt well to external environment for rapid and appropriate response (Daft, 2001).Within the basic organization behavior mode, proposed by Robbins (1996), it also indicates that organizational culture substantially cause influence on output of personnel resource, e.g. productivity, job resigning, unreported job absence, and job satisfaction. Thus, the second research motive for this research is aimed at examining…show more content…
According to Singh and Billingsley (1996) that the performance is the result of work performed by employees in accordance with the objectives to be achieved in the work performed. Opinion of Kirkpatrick and Locke (1996) stated that the achievement is a term that relates to the quality and productivity of the results (output) of a person or people group work so as to improve the person or group performance is an important part of all management levels. Performance implementation of a person to achieve company goals must be accompanied by adequate capabilities and supported in a strong self-motivation. While according to Hersey and Blanchard (1992) stated that the performance is a function of motivation and ability. To complete the task or job, one must have a degree of willingness and a certain level of…show more content…
It has a single source of power from which rays of influence spread throughout the organization. This means that power is centralized and organizational members are connected to the center by functional and specialist strings. Role dimension: This type of culture focuses mainly on job description and specialization. In other words, work is controlled by procedures and rules that underlie the job description, which is more important than the person who fills the position. Achievement dimension: This often refers to a task culture, which entails organizational members focusing on realizing the set purpose and goals of the organization. The main strategic objective of this culture is to bring the right people together, in order to achieve the organizational goals. Support dimension: Describes an organizational climate that is based on mutual trust between the individual and the organization. A support-oriented organization exists solely for the individuals who comprise it, and may be represented diagrammatically as a cluster in which no individual dominates. 2.3 Discussion of Past Similar Finding 2.3.1 Relationship between Organizational Culture and Employee Job
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