Organisational Culture In Nigeria

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Organizational culture and value re-orientation explains how direction and delivery can be clarified and improved by change of attitude at the workplace. Workplace culture is found in all business small or large. It is an important concept and a phrase commonly preached in organizations. Why does ones attitude affect one’s workplace and how to improve workplace culture; are the key issues arising in many academic discussions. The goal of a quality management system is to ensure procedures and policies that mold any culture of quality within an organization is attained at all times. Uniting everyone behind the same goals creates a culture of cooperation where people work together to get things done. Fostering a positive environment within…show more content…
Attitudinal shift is said to relate to the change in the way people conjure up something or behave towards it. Work attitude affects work settings. Thus, having a good work setting is vital to productivity. In the same vein, the commitment to improving efficiency can change work culture for the better by decreasing wasted time and talent. In a competitive business climate, many businesses actively work to create and communicate a positive image to their customers, shareholders, the financial community, and the general public. Think of the rebranding of Nigeria project anchored by former minister of information and communication, late Professor Dora Akunyili in 2009 to create a new image for Nigeria. The project was conceived as an internal process to address the pervading negative perception of Nigeria in the comity of nations. Before, Nigeria’s image to the outside world was battered and Nigerians were seen as bad people. In like manner, many organizations are battling with reputation issues and this is affecting their image before their publics. A company that mismanages or ignores its image according to Institute of Corporate Management and Strategy (2012) is likely to encounter a variety of…show more content…
It is therefore argued that organization managers may not have understood the role culture and values play in designing the image of organizations or this has not been properly defined and conveyed to them. May be, the relationship between organizational culture/values, and corporate image configuration has not been established. This makes one wonder if these managers do not see organizational culture and values as necessary ingredients for corporate image

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