Ethical Behavior In Organizational Culture

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Research question # 1 response: STRONGLY AGREE AGREE NEUTRAL STRONGLY DISAGREE DISAGREE 3 13 5 1 13 Research question # 1 addresses the issue of Organizational Culture highpoints within Customs, Cayman Islands. Organizational Culture and Ethical Behavior in the Workplace As a result of research question # 1, results showed that 38% of the sample taken strongly disagreed or disagreed that Organization Culture in Customs have highpoints. Also 47% of the sample taken strongly agreed or agreed that Organizational Culture in Customs have highpoints. A further 15% of the samples taken were neutral regarding Organizational Culture as being a highpoint within Customs. Research question # 2 response: STRONGLY AGREE AGREE NEUTRAL STRONGLY DISAGREE DISAGREE…show more content…
Ethical Behavior- Acting in ways consistent with what society and individuals typically think is good values. Ethical behavior tends to be good for business and involves demonstrating respect for key moral principles that include honesty, fairness, equality, dignity, diversity and individual rights. Shared concepts-Organizational culture consists of beliefs and values that are shared among a group of people. Corporate culture- refers to the beliefs and behaviors that determine how a company's employees and management interact and handle outside business transactions. Often, corporate culture is implied, not expressly defined. Workplace culture- It's what makes your organization unique and is the sum of its values, traditions, beliefs, interactions, behaviors, and…show more content…
Participants were limited to employees with at least one year or more tenure of employment at Customs. Results of this research will not give a historical perspective Organizational Culture and Ethical Behavior in the Workplace on the Customs Department’s climate but rather an assessment at this point in time on the culture and ethical behavior. Organizational Culture and Ethical Behavior in the Workplace Chapter 2 Introduction This chapter will contain relevant literature regarding culture and ethics within an organization, specifically, Customs Department. Specifically, this chapter will be organized under the following headings; definition, role, limitations of the study, Ravasi & Schultz (2006) defines organizational culture as a set of shared assumptions that guide what happens in organizations by defining appropriate behavior for various situations. Therefore, organizational culture affects the way people and groups interact with each other, with clients, and with stakeholders. Additionally, organizational culture may impact how the employees identify with their organization (Schrodt,
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