Organic Food Attitudes

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Choosing organic food is easy and organic food helps to avoid numbers of potentially harmful chemicals. Organic food consumption is rapidly increasing in many countries. Growing concern about health has changed customers’ taste and preferences. A growing number of consumers are purchasing organic food more than conventional food to protect their health from chemicals, which are used to produce conventional food. Moreover, there will be significant growth of the organic market (16%) by 2020 with increasing purchasing power and growing health awareness programs driving the purchase of organic food (Burnaby, 2015). Consumer demand for organic food is increasing. In the United State, the world’s largest organic market, consumption of organic…show more content…
Attitudes are an evaluative response to a person, events, and objects, which includes people’s positive and negative feelings, beliefs about the attitudes object (Schneider, 1988). Furthermore, attitude is lasting, general evaluation of people and objects. Advertisements or issues, consumers have attitudes towards a wide range of attitude objects, it could be from product-specific behavior or to more general consumption related behaviors (Solomon, 2015, p.23). With the help of attitude people can choose what they like most; for instance, to whom you want to date, what music do you like etc (Solomon, 2015). Different people have different attitudes towards some objects for the very different reason (Solomon, 2015, p.324). An attitude has 3 components; Affect, behavior, and cognition, where affect describes the way a consumer feels about an attitude object, behavior refers to person’s intentions to do something with regards to an attitude object and lastly cognition explains belief of a consumer has about an attitude object (Solomon, 2015, p.324). A study indicates that demographic differences with respect to Swedish consumer’s attitudes towards organic food and it resulted that when there is no match between purchase criteria and perceived beliefs about organic foods consumption will not increase (Magnusson, Arvola, Koivisto Hursti, Åberg, & Sjödén, 2001). Most frequently purchase intention was good taste and barrier…show more content…
997). Most of the research have similar findings of consumer attitudes towards organic foods, most of the consumers have a positive attitude towards organic food. A research conducted on China and Brazil about consumer buying motives and attitudes towards organic food resulted that consumers have positive attitudes and their attitude is strongly linked to beliefs about the healthiness, environmental friendliness and taste (Thøgersen, Barcellos, Perin, & Zhou, 2015, p.

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