Organic Food Research Paper

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CONSUMER AWARENESS AND SATISFACTION TOWARDS ORGANIC PRODUCTS IN PALAKKAD DISTRICT-KERALA Abisha .K. A, DR.P.Kannan research scholar sree narayana guru college k.g.chavadi assistant professor sree narayana guru college k.g.chavadi Abstract The adoption of organic production and processing is highly determined by market demand. Therefore this is reflected in consumer’s awareness and satisfaction towards organic food products. This research result indicated that the main reason for purchasing organic food products is an expectation of a healthier and environment friendly means of production. Organic buyer tend to be older and higher educated than who do not buy them. However, the main barrier to increase the market share of organic food product…show more content…
The foremost aim of organic agriculture is to substantiate sustained productivity, environmental protection and making on the market food and food merchandise raised with none reasonably chemicals. Agriculture is primarily applied biology and is probably to attain success once it accepts and follows principles like (a) On farm waste exercise, (b) Non-chemical weed management, (c) Biological tormenter management, (d) Integrated nutrient management for sustaining soil fertility and crop productivity. With increasing health consciousness and concern for setting, organic farming system has been drawing attention all over the world. Organic farming will be a holistic production management system that promotes and enhances agro-ecosystems health additional as bio-diversity, biological cycles and soil biological activities. As a result, there is widespread organic movement and enormous demands for organic merchandise. OBJECTIVES OF THE STUDY 1. To study consumer awareness about organic food products. 2. To study attitude of consumers buying and using of organic products. 3. To analysis the factors influencing to buy organic products among the…show more content…
“A study on consumers’ awareness towards organic food products with special reference to Tirupur district (Dr. D. T. Venkatakrishnan2017)” In today’s world organic food product was important for the people at large to steer a healthy life. Became a basic necessity in human life. During this paper, a shot has been created to search out the shopper’s awareness towards organic food. A sample of a hundred respondents‟ was purposively elect from Tirupur District. The chosen samples area unit analyzed exploitation easy share, chi-square test and multivariate analysis test. It’s found that 3variables particularly there exists any vital association between gender, age, qualification, monthly financial gain and client awareness towards organic food product of the

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