Psychosexual Development In The Window

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The researcher will focus on the psychoanalysis of James Ramsay and how does this theme developed through the novel. To the lighthouse has an influence of Freud's theory Oedipus complex. Taking the first section of the novel 'the window', Woolf has introduces James Ramsay’s (the youngest son of eight children) thoughts about his parents and immediately sets the tone. It invokes the idea of the Oedipal struggle, first written by Sophocles in Ancient Greece, posed in the early twentieth century as part of a theory on infantile development and sexuality by Freud: Had there been an axe handy, a poker, or any weapon that would have gashed a hole in his father’s breast and killed him, there and then, James would have seized it. Such were…show more content…
Mrs. Ramsay wishes that James will never grow older for he will never be happy if that harsh father who "disturbed the perfect simplicity and good sense of his relations with his mother" (Woolf 50). That tells how the relationship between James and his father grows. He, in the first section, has never appeared without his mother and the growth of hate toward his father. This continues actions in the window section and the psychoanalysis lead many critics to the Freudian point of view. Elizabeth Able shows the oedipal struggle that James Ramsay suffers with his parents throughout the conflict that James has with his father who has never, according to James's thought, praises him. In Barrow's point of view in analyzing James's thought from the window he writes, " James's reaction to his father's prediction of foul weather highlights his resentment of his father and closeness to his mother" (Barrow) which, also, leads to the same point that Able conclude from her

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