Occupational Therapy Assistant

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Occupational therapy assistant and surgical technician are a few of the fast pace health career fields offered through associates programs. Both Occupational assistant and surgical technologist can be rewarding careers with a bright future. Occupational and surgical fields help prolong quality of a person’s life through the care they receive. A career in the health care field can also be very satisfying for the professional. I will be going over some pros and cons on both Occupational and Surgical and how they can improve the quality of a patient’s life through different technics can be your contributes to society. Occupational therapy assistants has pros and cons. I will go through some of pros first and then the cons. I will start with salary,…show more content…
The pros are you get to travel, meeting new people, higher salary, generous incentives. We will go through some of this starting with the salary. Surgical tech will start out at average of 41,790 a year. With an education for 2 years you will start out at this pay. The working environment is not a very good seen, you will have to see blood and inside of the body which will be cool to me to see. The duties of a surgical tech is preparing operating rooms for surgery, sterilize equipment and make sure that there are adequate supplies for surgery, then they have to perpare patients for surgery. They have to help the surgeons by passing the tools that they need for the surgury. Then the surgical tech has to count all of the tools that they use dering surgury. The cons is that you have to be away from you family and friends, adjusting to new surrounding, and rarely feeling at home.There is only 65% female ratio in the surgical technology field(Surgical Technologists : Occupational Outlook…show more content…
You can research on both of this and it will provide you information on what kind of education required, the salary made on average for the specific career, how much the demand for that career is likely to increase or decrease over the years. Job security is important in professional stability. You want to make sure you are not choosing a career with a frequently unstable market or demand. Hard-work and dedication are involved with training and completing the necessary requirements. To become a professional in these fields, you will face pressure, test of time management, and finical struggles. Happiness should be a goal thought about when thinking about your future. Health care fields can be fast paced and the stress levels can be high because of the nature of this profession. Social skills are important when working with people. A friendly attitude is needed for patients going through difficult procedures or difficult points in their life. You must put your bad day second to your profession and patient’s needs. Both of this careers will pay off end the days to come so just deside on which one you would like to do because you can't go

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