Occupational Safety And Health Case Study

1996 Words8 Pages
Eljhon J. Capili 3EE -- GE303 Safety Management Homework 1 Occupational Safety and Health 1. Define occupational safety and health (OSH). Occupational safety and health (OSH) refers to the systematized expectation, recognition, assessment, and reduction of hazards taking place in or from the workplace that could weaken or worsen the health and welfare of workers, considering the possible effects on the surrounding communities and the general environment. 2. Define tendinitis. Tendinitis is the severe inflammation of a tendon that is commonly a result of frequent injury to an area around joints like the wrist or ankle. 3. What is workman’s compensation? Workman’s compensation serves as insurance for injured employees in work-related accidents…show more content…
Identify the ways in protecting yourself when dealing with overhead power lines. The standard clearance distance between scaffolds and power lines must be observed. Should this be not feasible, the electricity distribution company should be contacted to provide enough insulation before any work proceed. 15. Identify and explain the 4 types of hazards. Physical hazards are sensible hazards which can trigger and affect our senses when exceeding their threshold level. This includes noise, vibration, very hot and very cold temperatures, too high or too low light, and pressure. Chemical hazards includes substances that might interfere with body tissues and body functions. Biological hazards include parasitic organisms like fungi, insects, and bacteria that might affect health. Ergonomic hazards include the technical aspect of the worker and his work, including improper equipment design and repetitive destructive working behavior. 16. Explain how hazards enters our body. Hazards enter the body through our noses (inhalation), through our mouths (ingestion), through our skin (skin contact), through our ears (excessive noise), and through our eyes (eye contamination). 17. How to control noise in a…show more content…
How to control colds in a workplace? Using engineering control, a proper ventilation might be installed to make heat circulate in the workplace and additional heaters might be installed. If engineering control is not enough, administrator control may be used through job rotation, scheduling cold jobs on cooler parts of the day, warm or hot drinks and food, and medical surveillance. Personal protective equipment for workers might include blankets, caps, and wool clothing. 23. What are the health effects to too much vibration? Too much vibration can decrease blood flow in the extreme parts of the body like spine, neck, digestive track, and circulatory system. It may also impair hearing and sense of balance. Hand-arm vibration syndrome (HAVS) which might lead to numbness in fingers, hands and arms, is a result of using tools with high vibration. 24. How to limit the amount of exposure to vibration? Engineering control might involve replacement of tools by those that vibrate less. If impossible, administrator control might involve limiting the amount of time for a worker through job shifting and regular breaks. Personal protective equipment might be gloves. 25. What are the health effects of improper

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