Workplace Accidents Literature Review

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1 CHAPTER TWO: LITERATURE REVIEW 1.1 Introduction Considering the background of the study, it is apparent that workplace accidents are frequent in all the industries. These accidents result in severe consequences for the employees and the corporations as well. This chapter highlights all the previous studies that discuss the prevention of accidents in the workplace, the cause of these accidents and the benefits of reduced accident for organisations. 1.2 Practices of Avoiding Accidents The uncertainty of the efficacy of preventing accidents remains present although many efforts have been made for summarising the safety interventions and their effectiveness. Past researches mostly focused on one of the type of injury (Lipscomb, 2000; Bonnie…show more content…
The reduction in the perilous working environment is possible through risk assessment and management. Risk management, on the other hand, is defined as the systematic process that entails the evaluation and testing of all the components of the work system whereby employees function majorly. Risk management includes the management of the environment in terms of the entire organisation, materials being used, the equipment/machines, and work methods/practices (Weatherly et al., 2009). Risk management also emphasises on the identification of the probability of accidents at the workplace through highlighting the cause of injury and harm and identify safety controls that could be implemented for the prevention of accidents and occupational concerns (Reason,…show more content…
However, OSH management systems presently are defined as an array of interacting and interrelated elements that develop and implement the OSH policies to achieve the set objectives. The change in the system and its use was soon after the realisation that organisational, cultural, human, and behavioural issues are considered more important than technical issues (Makin & Winder,

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