Analysis Of Workplace Violence: Awareness, Prevention And Response

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One of the Occupational Safety and Health Administration (OSHA) main concerns is the topic of workplace violence. It is a very important topic that should be in every organization’s written policy for their employees to read and understand. The article “Workplace Violence: Awareness, prevention and response” written by Mary D. Bruce, PhD and William A. Nowlin, PhD study workplace violence and the effects of properly written policies in organization. This summarization will review the article and compare it to the policy letter given to employees that work at McDonalds called “Standards of Business Conduct The promise of the Golden Arches version 2011. The article “Workplace Violence: Awareness, prevention and response” written by Mary…show more content…
This means that the organization or victim has had some form of dealing with the offender in some form or fashion. Additionally, Bruce and Nowlin (2011) offer examples that illustrate this suggestion such as an employee opened fire at Labor Ready Inc, killing four fellow job seekers and an employee of Windy City Core Supply warehouse that was fired six months prior killed six current employees. They point out that in 1999 homicide in the workplace was the second leading cause of death in a work place. As pointed out by the Occupational Safety & Health Administration (2015) it is still a serious issue they state “nearly 2 million American workers report having been victims of workplace violence each year”. They add a statistic from 2010 that states there were 4547 fatal work place injuries and of those 506 are…show more content…
Although there may be a very good policy that may keep the number down there will still be violence. According to Bruce and Nowlin (2011) a few strategy approaches can be a risk management strategy which is designed in a sequence of pre-incident, pre-incident management and post incident. This allows a zero tolerance, a reporting process and a consequence determination. It also stipulates for a post incident that counseling for the victim be afford to them. This type of traumatic event can cause a number of health and mental issues that the victim should not have to deal with alone and the organization is not responsible to help them in

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