Importance Of Biological Control

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1. Introduction: Ecology: Ecology deals with the interaction between living organism and with their abiotic part of their environment. Biological Control: 1. It can be defined as controlling the pest population to a minimum level with the help of natural enemies with the help of human role taking actively part. 2. Biological control is a bio effective mechanism to control pest population like insects, mites and various plant diseases with the help of using other living organism .The mechanism used in it are parasitism, predation, herbivory and plays an active human role. 1.1-Early times Biological Control: Biological control techniques like parasitism and predations interaction have known from early times in agriculture, • In…show more content…
Conservation: The second type of biological control is conservation of natural enemy, as we know the importance and efficiency of their work to do we try to adopt some technique of management activities to conserve, save and optimize their survival of these natural enemies. As we know that natural enemies have already adapted to their environment and have a specific (host on which it is being fed so their will be no difficulty to conserve them easily .Here are some of the ways in which we can ensure the conservation of natural enemies;  We should reduce or completely stop the use of insecticides in order to avoid killing of natural enemies.  We should adopt non-chemical control methods so that only the target species die rather then the natural enemies.  We can provide suitable habitat where the beneficial insects can live and reproduce and enhance their survival chance.  In the scarce situation like winter or physical parameters which are not suitable for the beneficial insects we provide them with shelter and alternate food . III. Augmentation: The type of biological control in which we use those natural enemies which are unable to survive in the new environment and die quickly and in the time being they help us to control the pest population rapidly. In this technique we use two modes of releasing enemy to control pest natural enemy that…show more content…
The organization formed in 1971 abbreviated as International Organization of Biological Control of Noxious Animals and Plants (IOBC). It is having its headquarter in France. 2. The organization formed in 1990 in the United kingdom known as International Institute of Biological Control(IIBC). 3. This organization was formed in USA in 1990 and is based in Maryland, known as (NBCI) National Biological Control Institute. 5- Characteristics necessary for Biological control agents: Insect as a predator or as a parasite does not make it a good biological control agent .In the early 1900 over 600 species of beneficial insects were introduced into United State. Of these about 20% have earned the name of being called them as successful biological control agents, another 35% they are moderately or partially successful and other 45% did not even harm the pest population and the pest population remained unharmed . From the above mentioned success and failures entomologist have conclude that biological control agents will work effectively or will give its full efficiency when they will be having following characteristics in them; Narrow host Range: Generalized predators they may act as a good natural enemy but they don’t control or kill enough pest population when there are other prey available for them to feed
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