Occupational Skin Disorder Case Study Essay

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Occupational Skin Disorder – Case Study The following report answers six questions from an Occupational skin disorder case study. It will identify the cause of the reported skin disorder, describe the outer layer of the skin, explain the process of dermal absorption and factors affecting it and examine the mechanism of chemical diffusion from the skin. The report also identifies the categories of dermatitis and examines an MSDS of the chemical agent in the case study. Case Study One of the janitors at your worksite presented with a blister-like rash on both hands after working with AR-2000 Plus, a cleaning detergent that contains phosphoric acid, a known skin irritant. As this was his first time working with the product, he was unaware he had to wear gloves, and was working with the detergent for approximately 2 hours prior to onset of his symptoms. There are no other symptoms noted. The on-site doctor has determined that the employee is suffering from contact dermatitis. Upon completing an investigation, your operational manager has requested further information of you, relating to this skin reaction. The website notes four causes of skin hazards. Which type of hazard is the AR-2000 that the worker was using? There are four causes of skin hazards- biological, mechanical, chemical and physical (National Institute…show more content…
Dermal absorption is the process through which substances are absorbed from the surface of the skin, through the skin and subsequently entering the body. The absorption of substances into the body via the skin starts from the outer surface (stratum corneum) and depends on the permeability of the stratum corneum as an increase in its permeability will result in an increase in its absorptive ability. The impermeability of the stratum corneum is dependent on a number of factors which will be discussed in the next section of this case

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