Menstrupedia Analysis

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A collaboration between comics, a website and an online forum. The new product called Menstrupedia is how these media are connected (Menstrupedia). Menstrupedia attempts to unite teenage Indian girls online through its forum where they can ask and answer questions as well as offline through its comic issues which are nationally spread by primary and secondary schools. Menstrupedia will be an excellent example for the following brief and compact examination of why today’s Indian cultural artifacts cannot separately be examined excluding foreign external dimensions. The analysis will be guided through the following research question: how have global and local interrelated dimensions resulted into the Menstrupedia guide? Dimensions here meaning…show more content…
According to Unicef the women literacy rate is far lower than that of Indian men: 74,4 to 88,4 percent (Unicef). Gupta clearly advocates that education of females, and males, is a universal human right. Human rights have been given frequent attention and are founded by universalists who claim that certain concepts can and should be applied to any individual, situation or lifestyle. Thus, human rights have been given frequent attention in worldwide media, but are barely mentioned in Indian textbooks (Asian Pacific Human Rights Information Center). A solid reason for the founders of Menstrupedia to attempt a change in original culture patterns of local Indians as better education (on menstruation) must be mentioned more. Acculturation arose as the founders came “into continuous first hand contact” with other members of other cultures where education is more advocated and advanced (Van Damme…show more content…
Menstrupedia is an artifact that resulted from the various processes discussed. Globalization has widened Indians world perspective. They are interconnected online as well as offline. Some processes happen passively and unnoticed, while others are actively pursued such as the founder of Menstrupedia’s goal to change the common culture of local Indians and to eventually eliminate taboos and culturally constructed myths surrounding femininity and its features. It is the patriarchal society of India that leaves many universalists frowning as it often does not compel to universal human rights. The process of glocalization suggests how large scale matters can easily become a small scale matter in globalised India. Menstrupedia is a small scale matter that is an object in the global circulation of present day intercultural art-collecting and embodies a role in the exportation of a cultural identity (Van Damme 380). It is a Indian cultural identity that is dynamic and subject to change. Modern Indian who are connected to the world have “various worldviews, lifestyles and material products with which they tend to identify themselves” (Van Damme 376). Globalization is not a one-way process, globalization allows “artistic exchange between sociocultural settings” (Van Damme 381). The brief and compact examination of the various interrelated global and local dimensions proposes that any modern

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