Quality Of Education In Malaysia

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1.1 Background to the Study In Malaysia, education is one of the six National Key Result Areas (NKRA) identified by the government. The NKRA represents a combination of critical short-term and long-term priorities set by the government to further enhance the development of the country. The Malaysian government is now more focused on aspects which provide the biggest impact on student performance such as school stewardship and the quality of teachers, in addition to the teaching processes in the classroom. Plans to upgrade the attractiveness of the teaching profession, as well as producing the best teachers, have been included in the Tenth Malaysia Plan, such as quick promotion opportunities based on efficiency and performance, systematic continuous…show more content…
These constant changes or reforms are carried out with perhaps only one vision in mind and that is to improve the current existing teaching and learning procedures in schools and higher institutions of learning. Such action highlights the government's endless efforts in trying to improve the quality of education for its people. After a decade into the New Millennium, the education scenario is more pressed to undertake even more improvements in trying to cope with the demands and expectations of education in the 21st century. We can no longer be satisfied with what we have, but instead there is a need to constantly compare ourselves to that of more developed nations, and this is especially true with the field of education. This is to ensure that our people will be able to compete internationally in this borderless…show more content…
Tun, back in the 90's shared his vision and dreams for this nation through "Wawasan 2020" or Vision 2020. According to his article "Malaysia on Track Vision 2020", as a doctor he is attracted to the optometrist measurement of Vision 2020 which indicates 100 percent perfect vision. He further explains that Vision 2020 in relation to the future of this country would be the quest for Malaysia to have clear vision of our future as in where we want heading and what we want to be in the New Millennium. As Malaysia plans to transform into fully-developed nation, education becomes the priority of the government since it is one of the most powerful entities that would determine the success or failure of the nation. The future of any country depends on its people. It is therefore important to ensure that everyone is equipped with the necessary knowledge, skills and values to survive in this highly competitive and globalized world which is impacted by rapid development in science, technology and

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