Foreign Language Motivation

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Abstract : In the 21 st century learning English as second language have became a significant aim of most people globally with different thoughts,situations ,culture and personality . According to previous studies there are two main kinds of motivation : Integrative and Instrumental . In this research we are going to investigate the motives of university Saudi students to learn English in Saudi Arabia . A questionnaire have given to a group of them with different majors and gender to select the most four motivation to learn English (L2) . Keywords : English Saudi students second language Motivation learning motives study Introduction: In this paper it is important to have a complete understanding…show more content…
The investigation of university Saudi students motives is the aim of this study since there is various of different motivations to learn a second language . Aim of the Study : Investigation by using a questionnaire given to variant of university students to choose or select the most four motives to learn foreign\second language “English” depending on their own reasons .At the end of this study we are expecting to determine them according to the results we will get from the answers of the questionnaire . Research Problem : In this research we may face some serious problems related to the motivation of learning English.For Example : At all universities and colleges in Saudi Arabia , English is taught to non-English major students as an obligatory subject .Therefore, students in such these majors may do not have a proper motivation to learn English . Also , they may have a completely different motives from those who learn it as their major…show more content…
A lot of studies have proven that motivations, as being a driving psychological force , play a very important role during the learning process to the extent that it is true that any Arab student could not learn English unless he had the motivations or desire to learn it . And this is because motivations drive him to exert what he has of mental and physical power for its mastery. Researchers such as Gardner & Lambert (1972) have proved that there are two types of motivations that encourage learners to learn English, namely: (Instrumental motivations) and(Integrative motivations ). Instrumental motivations orientate the learners to learn English to achieve short-term needs such as the enjoyment of tourism , responding to the requirements of a particular course of study , getting a scientific degree or even chatting with English speakers. Whereas integrative motivations induce the learner to learn English to achieve objectives, the most important of them is communicating with the English speakers, practicing their language and understanding their cultures and traditions. However, Some researchers (like Gardner, 1985; Gardner & Tremblay, 1994) explained that there difference between motivation and orientation because a learner have a particular orientation, but not be highly motivated to achieve that goal. Brown (2000) believes that integrative and instrumental motivations are not necessarily mutually

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