Maquiladora Globalization

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Megan Crandall 2/15/15 GE 135 3108 Exam 1: 1. Globalization is the increase of intercultural people which affects economic, culture activities, politics, and more. Globalization means we are all inter-connected; there is growing domestic diversity, and new technology. Cultures that once had little contact and communication now has an increasingly higher rate of commerce, connection and communication through traveling and other things. Back in the day they still had communication between different cultures and regions it just wasn’t as common as today. The effects of globalization are all over in the world. In our book globalization and diversity it shows a small family in India renting out their television for money for small amounts of time…show more content…
In many areas there are Maquiladora’s. The one we are going to discuss is Mexico. A Maquiladora is a “sweat shop”. A sweat shop is work places that offer work to people and the conditions they work in are normally pretty miserable. The wages are super low. The wages are not even a dollar an hour. They work long, long days. These places originated in Mexico back in the 1960’s. These are still very popular to see in Mexico. Women and men work in these sweat shops. Many times the women are forced to live in shantytowns. Shantytowns are towns that lack electricity and water. It is a very harsh way to live life. The cities that sweat shops are mostly found are found in Tijuana, Ciudad Juarez, and Matamoros. They lie directly across the border from the interstate highway. In recent years, NAFTA has started to pay off somewhat. This has lead for the maquiladora’s to improve their conditions minorly. The wages for a worker can be between 1-2 dollars and hour now and they provide modern day air for them. This way the conditions aren’t as hot to work in. In the diagram 4.22 in the book. It shows all of the different languages spoken in Mexico. Languages are a good indicator of ethnicity. Most of the Maquiladoras are located along the border of Mexico and the United States. The main language they speak there is Spanish. This is indicated In figure 4.22.Most of the indigenous languages are south/western Mexico and most sweat shops aren’t located down there. The maquiladoras have a…show more content…
Europe’s Cold War geography was defined as “The iron curtain”. The iron curtain was an ideological boundary that divided Europe into two blocs. The two blocs were Western countries influenced by the United States, and Eastern countries influenced by the Soviet Union. The iron curtain was border defenses and walls. The nation of Germany was divided into two. Later, the economic and political demise of the Soviet Union led to the end of the iron curtain. The most famous symbol of the iron curtain was The Berlin Wall. This wall divided the East German city of Berlin into western-eastern controlled parts. The Berlin wall symbolized economic decline, totalitarianism, and oppression. Some said it was a wall that divided people so they wouldn’t see all that the other people had or the freedom they had so there were no hurt feelings. The fall of the Berlin Wall also signaled a change in global affairs. The fall of the Berlin Wall was a big deal it also signified the end of the cold war. This left many citizens overwhelmed with relief. Also when the Berlin Wall fell, there were 159 member states of the United Nations. Now there is a remarkable 193! The wall was different looking in different areas. It was reflected by the two societies it divided. From the west you would see bright colored graffiti. On the other side of the wall it was barbed wire and you got nothing but a horrible feeling looking at it. During the period of the cold war and the berlin wall coming down some places
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