International Environmental Injustice

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In recent years, there is a common concern about 'environmental injustice' which is increased by globalisation. According to Widawsky (2008), the propensity of developed countries which are wealthy and industrialised export their wastes to developing countries is a typical example of international environmental injustice. In addition to this impact on the environment of developing countries, globalization also affects their traditional cultures. According to Ye (2010), Spring Festival is the most important day to strengthen cultural identity in China; but at present, western festivals like Valentine's Day and Christmas are gradually more popular than traditional festivals for the youth. However, due to the rapid spread of some traditional cultures…show more content…
It westernises city construction and education which leads to unintentional neglect of traditional cultures. Developed countries transfer their pollution to developing countries and ignore the environmental justice. While critics believe that globalisation is positive to protect some traditional cultures and solve environmental problems with leading-edge technologies, those methods as human interventions are less effective. If globalisation is a spontaneous and irreversible trend, much cooperation between developed countries and developing countries is needed to make it more inclusive and…show more content…
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