Australia Persuasive Speech

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Good morning fellow delegates. 70 years ago this October the United Nations was created, founded on the principle that all countries should work together for the common good. Like all institutions the UN is not perfect, but Australia has always believed in it’s potential and supported its work. Over the years Australia has provided more than 65,000 personnel to more than 50 multilateral peace and security operations. Former Prime Minister Ben Chifley once talked about Australia’s greatest objective, to be the “light on the hill- which [Australia] aim[s] to reach by working for the betterment of mankind, not only here but anywhere we may give a helping hand.” With a population of 24 million people, Australia is a considered a small…show more content…
For this reason economic diplomacy is at the center of our foreign policy. Australia is determined to promote private-sector growth, since profitable, private businesses are the best source of sustainable wealth. Free trade, infrastructure, a modern and fair international tax system, and strong global economic institutions should all be used to strengthen the world economy. Rather than just preaching this Australia is leading by example. Australia has abolished the carbon tax, the mining tax, provided environmental approvals for $800 billion dollars worth of new projects and begun the task to eliminate our budget deficit within four years. We have also finalized trade deals with multiple countries because when countries trade both of their economies grow stronger. To those who doubt the power of economic growth we look to East Asia which, in less than two generations, have created the greatest social and economic transformation in history. People in Eastern Asia live longer, they are better educated, wealthier, and enjoy freedom and stability that previous generations could only dream of. Millions of people have been lifted from

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