Globalization In The Global Economy

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The total costs of tariffs and quotas usually outweigh their benefits. The political context usually prefers the loud and persistent voice of the comparatively number of producers demanding protectionism, to the gentle and almost nonexistent voice of consumers bearing the cost. As these costs are included in product prices, the burden levied on each individual consumer is rather small. Therefore, individual consumers tend to lack the motivation of raising their voice against such measures (McConnell, Brue and Flynn). Given the decline in natural trade barriers imposed by transportation costs- coupled with transformations in industrial technology creating significant competitive threats to costly producers-, the interest in artificial trade…show more content…
Countries can no longer live in isolation, i.e. operate in a closed economy, if they aim to flourish and benefit from comparative advantage, specialization and advancements in technology. For most nations, the road to growth and development passes through global economic participation. However, economies abundantly rich in natural resources, labor and capital can afford to rely more on the local economy and less on the global economy. The fact, however, remains that most economies do not possess such magical powers; thus, they depend on other nations for economic, political and organizational…show more content…
Huge advancements in transportation and communication technologies have made it possible to expand businesses globally, with minimal costs, resource wastages and time consumptions. Opportunities for such market expansions lure developed economies to benefit from low-cost resources in emerging and developing nations. Furthermore, the rising importance of the strategic role played by WTO, EU and NAFTA has enabled trade liberalization, deregulation and facilitation. Moreover, the charm of achieving economies of scale in production, as well as learning, entices organizations to expand across national boundaries, all the while creating employment opportunities on a global scale and providing product variety to foreign customers. Apart from cost advantages, global economic participation is further necessitated by competitive forces. Foreign competition urges domestic producers to improve product quality, achieve cost efficiency or go out of business. Thus, global economic participation can also be a result of an economy’s survival instincts. The major factors determining a country’s level of participation in the global economy can be vastly classified into policy and non-policy factors. Policy-related factors, such as import protection measures or trade liberalization initiatives, are a significant influence on a country’s attitude towards

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