Japanese Business Culture

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FINAL TERM PAPER JAPANESE COMPANIES AND ORGANIZATIONS JAPAN-INDONESIA COMPANY’S APPROACH OF DOING BUSINESS IN THE GLOBAL WORLD (IN RELATIONSHIP WITH EACH CULTURE) WRITTEN FOR 2 CREDITS Written by: Syafi’urrusydi C150095 HUSA Program 2015-2016 Faculty of Education Hiroshima University CHAPTER I INTRODUCTION 1.1 Background Nowadays, business is an integral part of the world. There are many companies which are run in various fields. And usually, every company in this world has different way of doing the business, can be influenced by factors such as: culture, social-economic, political, etc. Webster's Dictionary defines companies culture as the shared attributes, goals and practices that characterizes a company or corporation and the…show more content…
Certain aspects of Japan's business culture, especially the very stable long-term relationships resulting from the conservative Japanese sense of loyalty to trusted partners is one of the example. We can start to observe the uniqueness in Japanese culture from the moment of arrival at Japanese Airport - the baggage carriers carefully lining up our luggage on the conveyor, the incredibly polite customs inspectors, the girl on the platform who politely bows to people boarding to the train, the ticket inspector on the train who stands at the front of the carriage, and they are doing it for every customer. The difference we can notice is that they are all very service oriented and of course service is a pillar of Japanese business culture. In many western countries, personal service has become something that people must pay for with tips - in Japan there is no tipping, personal service is literally 'part of the…show more content…
Few other countries in the world are comprised of more distinct cultures and languages than Indonesia. Its diversity of peoples and belief systems makes it certain that the foreign professional working in Indonesia encounters situations that are confusing and unexpected. Add to this mix a struggling economy, a nascent democracy with a co-opted bureaucracy, and the world’s largest Muslim population, and the result is a fascinating conglomerate culture in one of the largest and most important countries in the world. Business must be approached differently in Indonesia with the other countries. Cultural background, education, and upbringing make a difference on how companies doing the

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