Is Everyone Happy At School

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Is anyone happy at school? School as an environment is built in a way that makes it comfortable for some students – but not all. Testing, grading and evaluating skills on a scale that's larger than "pass" and "fail" is bound to create a hierarchy of a sort, where some succeed and some fail. For example the student matriculation examination is designed to fail a certain number of students – someone always has to lose. To reach higher levels of student satisfaction the school system should become more adaptable – it should offer help with no judgement for those in need, challenge with no pressure for those who feel intimidated by it, and pressure to work hard for those who enjoy it and need it to reach their highest potential. Every "good" student doesn't enjoy the pressure of their results and every "bad" student isn't unmotivated and unwilling to learn. The focus should be taken from the results to the things that really matter – like learning. Students should feel motivated to study - not because they feel like they have to have good grades to please their parents, but because they genuinely want to learn the thing they're studying. Of course everyone isn't interested in everything and thus can't bring themselves to be genuinely happy about studying molecular biology or such, but those…show more content…
Needless to say, that necessarily isn't the case. For example various mental health issues can contribute to low levels of motivation and interest, and higher school satisfaction doesn't automatically cure people and make them interested in studying again. However, it can help. Students spend a big part of their day in school, and whether that time is considered to be pleasant or unpleasant by the students has a huge effect on their lives and mental
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