Functions Of Political Parties

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a. Functions of Public Character: The Political Parties are the most important part of any democratic country. The Political Parties mobilize public opinion around their ideologies and contests elections to form a government. Generally an ordinary citizen does not have direct access to the government he can be reached only by his elected representative. Thus it is righty said that government represents will of people. It will, therefore, not be an exaggeration to say that no Political Party, no democracy. Political Parties are responsible for the growth and development of the society and that of the nation. Political Parties are continuously engaged in performing public duty. It is, therefore, important that they became accountable to the…show more content…
The people of this country have a right to know every public Act, everything that is done in a public way, by their public functionaries. “It is the Political Parties that form the Government, man the Parliament and run the governance of the country. It is therefore, necessary to introduce internal democracy, financial transparency and accountability in the working of the Political Parties. A political party which does not respect democratic principles in its internal working cannot be expected to respect those principles in the governance of the country. The public belief in the prevalence of corruption at high political levels has been strengthened by the manner in which funds are collected by political parties, especially at the time of elections. Such suspicions attach not only to the ruling party but to all parties, as often the opposition can also support private vested interests as well members of the Government party. It is, therefore, essential that the conduct of political parties should be regulated in this matter by strict principles in relation to collection of funds and…show more content…
are also done at State expense; the Political Parties have been claiming and granted total tax exemption under section 13A of the Income Tax Act for all their income; section 80 GGB of the Income Tax Act which provides that contribution made by an individual or Company to a Political Party is deductible from the total income of the assesee. This provision is exclusively applicable to the Political Parties and is suggestive of indirect financing of the Political Parties by the State; the State has been indirectly financing Political Parties by way of free air time on All India Radio and Doordarshan of India during the elections; & the recognized Political Parties are issued copies of electoral rolls by the Election Commission, free of cost, at the time of elections . All of these tantamount to indirect financing of the Political Parties in purview of Section 2(h) (d) (i) of the RTI

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