Chapter 18 Essay

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After reading chapter 18 of Tested I learned that teachers don’t feel that there is any correlation between a good education and the MSA. The teachers discussed how last year they saw their students answer many questions incorrectly and still got proficient on the test, thus they believe the test doesn’t really help students receive a good education. In this chapter there are a couple of days before the MSA and the teachers are training to learn how to give and observe the test to students. Everyone is stressed out about the MSA, the students are tired of studying for the test and the teachers are tired of teaching and of meetings. Another big issue happening in this chapter was that everyone was getting sick 2 days before the MSA; Tyler…show more content…
In this chapter it was the first day of testing and the students were having panic attacks; a student became hysterical in a Dunkin’ Donut. Another student still went to school even though she was very ill and she had a note excusing her. The principal and teachers put a lot of pressure on the students, that they had students becoming frantic. I found this to be very disturbing because these children are only 9 and 10 years old and you’re making them feel like a test is the most important thing in their lives. Another topic discussed in this test is that the MSA tests are biased. The MSA test scores do not take into account a student who has disabilities or a student who doesn’t have English as their first language. I can relate to this because when I was growing up English was not my first language and this made taking tests very difficult for me. The MSA exams also don’t measure student’s creativity and this causes the students to lose their creativity. I am young enough to remember how challenging school became when the MSA exams date came around. I believe that students should be tested, but I think that they shouldn’t be tested so much; the MSA’s test scores should also take into account students with learning disabilities and students that have other languages as their native
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