Is College Worth The Cost?

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From a young age, every child is told that they should go to college, because it’s very important; it opens a lot of doors and provides many advantages and varieties. There are a million reasons why a person should go to college. For instance, by going to college you can choose what you want to do in life. Another example is, a person who often going to college learns new things about their self. Lastly a person with a college degree tend to get more respect. But what if someone told you at that same young age that going to college isn’t for everyone. The time passed in school, starting a degree can often be put to a better use picking up a skill. Likewise, not everyone is college material, and lastly, there are plenty of relatively good paying…show more content…
It is true that certain professions require college degrees, for example software developer, physical therapist, doctors, and marketing executive. But there are plenty of jobs in the world where skipping college makes sense and right after a start on a career because a job understanding is more valuable than an after high school education. According to Lisa Nielsen, in the article“The College Myth: Why College Isn’t Worth the Cost for Many Careers Today”. What was true for the parents of today's kids, isn't true for them. As a result, more and more often smart students and their parents are also beginning to understand that a college education is not what it's cracked up to be. Those who decide to skip college wont have a college wont have a college degree after four years, they will have built up for years of valuable experience. They will be doing something they love and is passion…show more content…
According to the article A College Education: Never More Important! By Elsa Nunez Even without the threat of higher college loan interest rates, in today's economy, many students are eying the cost of higher education and asking themselves: Is college worth it? The short answer is "Yes." College is definitely worth it, and it will become increasingly more important in the next few decades. People with a bachelor’s degree will earn , on average, $830,000 more over their lifetime. Education is very important for the
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