Horse Slaughter Research Paper

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In today's society there is a big problem with horse slaughtering. Horse slaughtering is a problem everywhere in the world and it needs to stop. What is Horse slaughtering? Well the basic definition of horse slaughter is is the practice of slaughtering horses to produce meat for consumption. But there is much more that plays into that. Horse slaughtering is a very horrible thing. The process of slaughtering a horse for its meat is a graphic and gory. Horses are transported very long distances crammed in small trailers until they reach the slaughterhouse which is even worse than the terrifying ride there. why does horse slaughter exist? horse slaughter exists because of the supply the demand by consumers for horse meat and make a profit from it. that is the only reason there is a such thing as horse slaughtering. Lots of people in other countries like Europeans and Asians would pay a big price for horse meat says…show more content…
some slaughterhouses out a bolt through their brain or what they say is the easiest for slaughterhouse workers is to stab them in the neck several times with a “puntilla knife” to sever their spinal cords, leaving them paralyzed and unable to breathe. The horse is then bled out, and cut apart, often while still conscious and able to feel everything. these horses are still alive when they are being skinned and chopped up. tell me is that a humane process? Why do owners even choose Horse slaughter? People actually think this is exceptable. Also the horse slaughter industry promotes itself as hamane. there are lots of different alternatives if you can't take care of your horse anymore. slaughter is not the only option. There are more humane ways to getting rid of your horse you don't always have to just to just killing it. Also horse slaughter industries won't always take unhealthy horses because they will produce too little of meat to pretty much

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