Self Help Group Case Study

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Self Help Group(SHG) - Bank Linkage System in Microfinance *Dr.Meeta Meshram Associate Professor, Sinhgad Institute of Management and Computer Application, Narhe. Pune . **Dinkar Hajare Assistant Professor, Dnyanganga College of Education ,Sinhgad Road, Pune. ___________________________________________________________________________ Abstract: Self Help Groups are small Group of members ,who saves the amount on regular bases and avail loans from banks on the same. Providing microfinance through Self Help Groups has been one of the major policy of Reservation of India since 1996.Self Help Group Bank linkage Programme is considered as a pilot…show more content…
NABARD is India's specialised bank for Agriculture and Rural Development in India.The pilot project was designed as a partnership model between three agencies, viz., the SHGs, banks and NGOs.International associates of NABARD include World Bank-affiliated organizations and global developmental agencies working in the field of agriculture and rural development. These organizations help NABARD by advising and giving monetary aid for the upliftment of the people in the rural areas and optimizing the agricultural process. The pilot project was designed as a partnership model between three agencies, viz., the SHGs, banks and NGOs. NABARD is also known for its 'SHG Bank Linkage Programme' which encourages India's banks to lend to self-help groups (SHGs). Largely because SHGs are composed mainly of poor women, this has evolved into an important Indian tool for microfinance.…show more content…
Table No 1.3 shows the agency wise distribution of loans for the year 2012-13. Commercial banks reported 1338500.7 crore, regional bank reported 562652.22 crore, cooperative bank reported 157383.5 crore Conclusion: With the help of this programme ,RBI, NABARD have tried to improve the relationship between the poor and the bankers , with the help of NGOs. SBLP has proved to be an essential tool for poverty alleviation and liberation of poor. Thus NGO have become an essential part of linking the SHG with the bank to facilitate them to improve their living standards and develop the economic and social factor. REFERENCES: 1) Suguna.B., (2006), “Empowerment of Rural Women Through Self Help Group”, Discovery Publishing House New Delhi, pp.14-15. 2) Karmakar, K. G. (1999). Rural Credit and Self Help Groups- Micro Finance Needs, and Concepts in India. New Delhi. Sage Publications, p.17. 3) Jerinabi, U. (2006), “Micro Credit Management by Women’s Self Help Groups”, Discovery Publishing House, New

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