Importance Of Public Participation

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Essay: Methods and Techniques for Public Participation in EIA Process Name: Muhammad Noman Matriculation No: 3724819 EIA/SEA Department of Environmental and Resource Management Brandenburg Technical University, Cottbus 1. Introduction Public participation plays vital role in decision making for Environmental projects. Public participation of involvement of individual in a project, policy or any program. Public involvement can influence positively or negatively (IAIA, 2006). Another purpose of Environmental impact assessment is to make people aware about impacts of Environmental projects and to consult with people, sustainable solution can come into being. Because taking citizen’s rights under consideration is also a kind of…show more content…
Methods to get information and methods to discus (2 ways communication). 2.1 Methods to Inform Public This type of participation is conducted only for the sake of conforming of procedures or formalities with some targeted group or well-intended public participation (Arstein, 1969). Here public are told that on what kind of project proponents are going to work or what have they done. (Pretty, 1995) This is sharing of information between proponents and public about projects (David et al, 2005) There are 2 ways to inform public: in person and via remote access. Public meetings are organized for small communities and stakeholders. Time of day is also taken under consideration and number of participants depend on the size of room. Focus Group Briefings are conducted for especially small groups, information delivered is special for each…show more content…
This kind of information exchange is one way process. The most common way is to get information from public is to Conduct Surveys, Questionnaires are distributed among people and asked them to answer some closed questions. Sometimes it is not reliable way to get information because most people don’t take these questionnaires seriously so it needs little effort to make effective questionnaire and after getting them filled, answers are checked, if all answers are relatable then this information taken into account. It takes time and cost to design and manage a good questionnaire. By conducting surveys information is gathered also from people who can’t attend public meetings moreover through confidential surveys optimal results can be achieved. Interviews are also conducted by target people to get to know their ideas and opinion even they are happy or unhappy about relevant project. Deliberative polls are kind of polls for getting opinion from public after letting them know about concerned issue. It acts like a social research tool and it tells decision makers about public opinion that what would they think if they had time and information to consider their opinion effectively. It can also show the collective decision from the public but conducted by some target public members. This method needs target people’s commitment and It can be

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