History Of Bureaucracy

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Standard operational procedures in the organization structure (read: bureaucracy) have significance in information accessibility and management of community participation in infrastructure development. Even the Grand design of the Bureaucratic Reform contained in Indonesian Government Regulation number 81 of 2010 confirms that availability of Standard operating procedure and suitability of standard operating procedure with service process is one indicator of success of a quality service. Through standart operating procedures, all the series of activities are undertaken by the regional government official to complete the job that became her/his job can be standardised. Standardization of formalization activities in the form of standart operating…show more content…
Presidential regulation Number 81/2010 about the Grand design of the reform of the Bureaucracy a bureaucratic reform goals to explain that is building a profile and behaviour of the apparatus that has integrity, productivity, responsible and have the ability in service excellence through change of mindset and work culture. Culture-oriented excellent service is the key successful of local government in implementing good governance. The culture of quality in the service should be the essence of organization of local government such as that delivered Callahan (2007) and Littlejohn (1999) that the organizational culture is the essence of the life of the organization. Moreover, it is supported by information communication technology.. The adoption of innovative e-government, for instance, can make a positive contribution (Holden, 2003) for the Organization in improving the services, user satisfaction, and deliver the information (West,2001), increased community participation (Afriani and Wahid, 2007; Moon,2002), as well as accountability (Wibisono…show more content…
The accountability of staff can do to the work unit, subordinate to the leadership or the public. Empirical data regarding accountability in local government district of Sidoarjo, according to regional government officials on assessment of local government employees in Sidoarjo district include worse (27.22). It can also be seen from Performance Accountability Report 2013 which has been compiled and published by each work unit through official website of Sidoarjo Regency government. From a work unit, which has compiled and published the www.sidoarjokab.go.id domain in Local Development Planning Agency; Agency of Community Empowerment, Women, and Family Planning; Agency of public works irrigation; and Inspectorate Sidoarjo
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