Bernard Manin's The Future Of Representative Democracy

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Bentham, Edmund Burke, and James Madison along with more contemporary scholars like Charles Lindblom and Robert Dahl . However, this book is more pertinent to understand the philosophical background of the American system of political representation. Bernard Manin, (1997)74 in his work “The Principles of Representative Government" discusses the thoughts of Rousseau and examines the complex relationship that exists between the ideal of democracy and the representative government. He discusses at length the western political thought starting from the Athenian Democracy and the various political practices that existed in the western world. The result of this study is a deep and thoughtful exploration of the relationship that existed between the democratic ideals and…show more content…
The author was inspired by the last major investigation of the subject b which was done by Hanna Pitkin over four decades ago and in his ambitious volume, he fills a major gap in the literature by examining the future of representative forms of democracy taking into cognizance the present-day trends and past theories of representative democracy. Being aware of the need for clarifying key concepts and institutional trends, the author in his volume makes efforts tries to establish an interdisciplinary dialogue among scholars by breaking down barriers among disciplines. It is emphasized in the work that representative democracy and its future is a subject of pressing scholarly concern and public importance. This book, paying close attention to the unfinished, two-century-old relationship between democracy and representation, offers a fresh perspective on current problems and dilemmas of representative democracy and the possible future development of new forms of democratic

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