Benefits Of Dyslexia In Education

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In 2002, the International Dyslexia Association organized adopted an International definition for dyslexia. Accordingly, they defined dyslexia as a specific learning disorder of neural biological origin. Individuals who are diagnosed with dyslexia have difficulties in reading because they have poor word decoding skills. Their difficulty in decoding words in most cases is due to problems processing the phonological sounds of words. As such dyslexia can be characterized as a disturbance in language function, which leads to difficulties in reading and the lack of reading leads to poor writing abilities (Helga Sigurmundsdóttir & Steinunn Torfadóttir, n.d.). As such students who are dyslexic are mainly struggling with difficulties in their phonological…show more content…
19). All students have the obligation to attend school regardless of whether they are unhealthy or incapacitated. Therefore, students with special needs are entitled go to a normal school and consideration has to be taken to meet their needs (lög um gunnskóla, 2008, gr.17). For teachers to provide students with inclusive learning classroom they need to adopt a dyslexic friendly approach to teaching. As such it is important to present new learning materials in a clear manner and provide students with enough time to carry out their assignments/exams. This however should be a approach that covers all the students in the classroom and not just the dyslexic students. The teaching approaches that befit students with dyslexia can also benefit the entire class and facilitate general learning for all students (Coffield, Ridick, Barmby, O'Neill , 2008, p.…show more content…
A teacher who is responsible for a class of students will notice that each student has his own style of learning. Each student comes from a different background and displays different types of strengths and weaknesses. Consequently, each student has his share amount of insecurities that affect his learning process. Nevertheless, students with good learning strategies such as organisation, planning, comprehension, revision techniques and exam strategies will find it less stressing to learn a second language. Therefore, it is relevant that if the student does not possess these learning strategies that the teacher somehow finds a way to help the student cope with their learning

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