Nursing Supervisor Support Essay

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Aim of the Study The aim of this study was to: Identify perceived nursing supervisor support and its relation to work engagement and turnover intention among staff nurses at Benha University Hospital through: 1. Assessing level of nursing supervisor support as perceived by staff nurses. 2. Assessing level of staff nurses' work engagement. 3. Assessing to what extent the staff nurses intent to leave their work. 4. Exploring the relationship among perceived nursing supervisor support, work engagement and turnover intention among staff nurses. Study Questions:- To fulfill this aim the following questions were formulated: 1) What is the level of nursing supervisor support that perceived by staff nurses? 2) What is the level of staff nurses' work engagement? 3) Are the staff nurses intent to leave their work? 4) Is there a relationship among perceived nursing supervisor support, work engagement and turnover intention among staff nurses? Review of literature Background There is growing evidence that nurses experience worsening work conditions, with increasingly unsupportive work environments, non-family working hours and increased stress. The supervisor-nurse relationship is often the buffer between organizational demands and professional workplace expectations. Notably, effective supervisor-nurse relationships predict high…show more content…
Nurses with adequate support from their supervisors are able to deal with work-related problems successfully, acquire skills, and obtain new ideas about service delivery processes, as well as have some degree of flexibility with work schedules. Supervisor support is a significant part of the organization’s social support system that leads to job embeddedness, improve job performance, and reduced turnover intentions (Karatepe,

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