Senator Reverdy Johnson Analysis

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Senator Reverdy Johnson, a man who’s stance brings about great controversy within his state. A man who was very well undecided himself. Born in Annapolis, Maryland on May 21, 1976 to a well known Maryland politician (John Johnson). Upon graduating from St. John’s college he had studied law; taking a particular interest in constitutional law. He had first started his career as a constitutional lawyer and became a legal colleague of Luther Martin. As a representative of Maryland he was then elected as senator and was a whig from 1845-49 and 1863-68. Meanwhile, when the nation was under the power of President Zachary Taylor (1849-50) he had become the Attorney general; which he had resigned from when Millard Fillmore had taken office. In the election of 1856, Johnson was a conservative democrat and had supported the presidential campaign of Stephen…show more content…
He does speak on behalf of his beliefs of the constitution and with that he infers that he is opposed to slavery. Johnson states, “The Constitution … announces a great principle of American liberty, … that as between a man and his conscience, as relates to his obligations to God, it is not only tyrannical but unchristian to interfere.” So even though he does not directly speak about the amendment, he talks about the purpose of the constitution and how interference with our rights granted to us is inhumane (unchristian). In a letter to Reverdy Johnson, Abraham Lincoln writes, “I am a patient man--always willing to forgive on the Christian terms of repentance, and also to give ample time for repentance. Still, I must save this government, if possible. What I cannot do, of course I will not do, but it may as well be understood, once for all, that I shall not surrender this game leaving any available card unplayed.” Which without being said again reflects Johnson and the Union’s efforts to bring about the

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