Hygiene Factors

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Hygiene or maintenance factors as highlighted by Mullins (2008) are connected with parts of the job which are expected to be present. For example: Working conditions, salary, interpersonal relations. These factors are seen as extrinsic according to Robbins & Judge (2009) and serve to prevent dissatisfaction. Mullins (2008) highlights that the absence of these hygiene factors result in dissatisfaction. The second factor as part of the theory; motivators or growth factors, are concerned with: recognition, growth, responsibility and a sense of achievement. The motivators are considered to enhance individual’s performance through increased motivation. Mullins (2008) describes how the strength of these factors will affect feelings of satisfaction…show more content…
He wanted to do his best to bring humanity and a sense of home to the workplace, he was keen on making sure everyone in the workplace was taking care off. He didn’t want his theories to be used a tool in the workplace, what he wanted was for man management to come into play and focus on the wellbeing of the people rather than the job itself. When it comes to hygiene needs, Herzberg’s research proved that people don’t use hygiene needs to be happy but to remove the unhappiness from their life. Satisfaction is temporary. Employees were asked to describe a time and corresponding event whereby they felt good or bad about their work and to also develop on what they felt at the time. The responses indicated to Herzberg, that there were two underlying issues which were affecting motivation, these two issues being, the foundation by which he designed his theory. From the results of the interviews Herzberg hypothesised that, factors that promote job satisfaction differentiated from the factors which prevent job dissatisfaction. The two factors identified by Herzberg being: Hygiene factors and motivators. Poor managed businesses don’t understand that people aren’t motivated by just addressing hygiene needs. People become motivated by allowing them reach for goals and satisfy the factors Herzberg identified as big motivators, these give the people…show more content…
He looked at money and decided it wasn’t a motivator to an employee as the way the primary motivators are like achievement and recognition. “Viewed within the context of the sequences of events, salary as a factor belongs more in the group that defines the job situation and is primarily a dissatisfied." (Herzberg1959). Nonetheless many people argue that money is a primary motivator no matter they say or even think. For many others there is more important motivators in the workplace than money. As I read up on many researches they found that there are other factors than money that motivate people. An example I seen was a survey done by a group and it was in the UK times newspaper. An interview of 1000 people took place, results showed many of the 100 were bored and lacking drive and commitment and were looking for a new job. Salary was the fifth choice why people said to be leaving their jobs. The main reason was that there was no chance of further advancement in the job. Herzberg motivators came into it big time, 28% wanted more challenges 21% wanted more varied work, 43% eager for promotion. Work and jobs are part of everyday life and balance for people, therefore we see when people win the lottery they sometimes choose to stay at their job just to keep normality in their life’s. Some decide to start their

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