How Does Literature Affect English Language

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Literature Review: Kobayashi et al. (1992) conducted a survey of 549 freshmen and sophomores to assess their high school learning experiences and attitudes towards English. There was found to be an overall interest in the study of English, with 73% of students wanting to be able to speak the language and 83% to use it to learn about other cultures. A further 87% saw English as being important in their future career choice. However, approximately 85% of the students indicated that their high school English course had failed to improve their communicative competence. When asked if they had been interested in studying English in high school 60.2% of the students responded positively. Students were also questioned to determine if university entrance examinations had in some way facilitated their ability to speak English, and 85.4% of the subjects responded negatively to this statement. Lanara (1999), similarly, in a study of 90 firstyear English major university students, found that there was a negative response to their high school English language classes. Students expressed the view that they had not learned anything of value in high school due to poor teaching methods, which were…show more content…
Apart from the above-mentioned studies, there has been little research conducted to address differences which may exist in secondary level students in their attitudes towards English. Of those studies that do exist, many have been carried out by different researchers, with no equivalent articles in the English language available, especially in Bangladesh. The general focus of these research papers however, has centered on the attitudes of either junior high school students or senior high school students, with few comparisons being made between the two groups. But the present research paper focuses on

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