Solomon R. Guggenheim Museum Case Study

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“Guggenheim; you come to see Kandinsky or Picasso, but you stay to see Frank Lloyd Wright.” The Solomon R. Guggenheim Museum, designed by Frank Lloyd Wright served first as a new home to the “Museum of Non-Objective Painting” also known as the Solomon R. Guggenheim foundation funded in 1937. “The mission of the Solomon R. Guggenheim Foundation is to promote the understanding and appreciation of art, architecture, and other manifestations of visual culture, primarily of the modern and contemporary periods, and to collect, conserve, and study the art of our time. The Foundation realizes this mission through exceptional exhibitions, education programs, research initiatives, and publications, and strives to engage and educate an increasingly diverse international audience through its unique network of museums and cultural partnerships.”₁. The purpose of this building is to serve as landmark for the most controversial and unique art exhibitions of the time. But many argue that this rare and controversial design doesn’t serves its purpose, it rather opaques most of the time the exhibition inside since there is a sense that the design is not appropriate for an art exhibition program.…show more content…
Bruce Brooks Pfeiffer, director of the Frank Lloyd Wright Archives, says now that curators understand the unique nature of the Guggenheim space, the exhibitions work better."What's amazing, when you're in the building, when you're on the ramp, you can see where you are, naturally, but you can see where you've been and you can see where you're going," Pfeiffer says. "It's as though you are in control of the time-space continuum." ₂ Up to here everything seems fluent and correct but once art starts to present itself through the journey is when everything falls

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