High School Leadership Essay Examples

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In the past I have held leadership positions such as Editor and Chief for the CYMS yearbook, Treasurer for the Junior Optimist Club, Drum Major for the CYMS Fife and Drum Corps. Now that I have been at the high school for a little more than a year, I have continued to grow my leadership skills in school as a part of the Aevidum club, Epilepsy club and Marching band and outside of school through my church and First Capital Drumline. However, I have learned that leadership to me does not mean that you are the smartest person in the room, or the most talented person in the room, or the person with the most impressive title in the room. To me leadership is speaking for those who can’t speak, hearing for those who can’t hear, seeing for those who can’t see, and doing for those who can’t do. I try to be a leader in my everyday life, not only though my formal leaderships role but by the small things that I do every day.…show more content…
Volunteering is a wonderful opportunity that I think everyone should take advantage of it. It has become a big priority in my life whether it be at school or in the community. Through the school, I volunteer with the Epilepsy club to help raise awareness and funds to help find a cure to Epilepsy. I will be volunteering at the Panther Perk thought the Epilepsy Club and have co-led a purple-out event. Out in my community, I routinely volunteer at my church. For example, I regularly help with our local food run that goes out into York City and delivers food. As a part of this, I assist with preparing and serving the food. Additionally, I use my experience to train new people to help out. Also, in my church service I have taken on a leadership role as an “Easy Worship” coordinator where I am responsible for running the electronic visual presentation during worship. In this role, I work with all adults and sometimes need to give instructions to

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