Creativity In Propaganda

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Jack Menard English III (AP) Vicknair 21 March 2018 The Power of Creativity in Propaganda Pablo Picasso. Norman. Banksy. William Orpen. These are just a few examples of influential artists throughout history who have used creativity to persuade the world. From some of the earliest civilizations to modern times, humanity has succeeded in using their creativity to persuade others to their sides. When creatively crafted, Propaganda and advertisements are extremely effective in persuading the viewers decisions and opinions. As I venture through the bright town of NOLA, I am held back by the genuine creativity and style expressed through the art of advertisement. From “Chip Forstall takes care of it all,” to Environmentally Aware billboards,…show more content…
Certain instances like World War II and the United States presidential elections specifically are evidence of the power of propaganda . For instance, in the very beginning of the World War II era, Hitler’s influence started to spread throughout what would soon be Nazi Germany. He was known to persuade the people of Germany through the formation of a false, likable persona . His most successful method for the distribution of this ideal, his use of propaganda. He himself realized this in his book Mein Kampf (1926) when he explained how, “ Propaganda tries to force a doctrine on the whole people... Propaganda works on the general public from the standpoint of an idea and makes them ripe for the victory of this idea”(Hitler). While i’m not taking sides with this sinister being, he does have a point. Propaganda has proved to been one of the most useful media in times of wars, disasters and even campaigns. It can act as a sort of newsletter while at the same time be used to effectively show a certain ideal or person in a convincing, however sometimes corrupted,…show more content…
For one thing, propaganda is not nearly as straightforward as celebrity speeches or actions. While celebrities have a hard time being able to lie (as analysts will find out), propaganda specifically doesn’t need to tell the truth to be influential. It can be simple yet powerful through the implementation of certain design elements. As quoted from Jason Stanley from Yale, propaganda “exploits and strengthens flawed ideology” (Stanley). This specific speaker sees propaganda as an exploitation of one's inner ideals through the method of false advertisement, which has shown to be incredibly effective. So, when you think about it, while the superiority of propaganda compared to celebrity influence is justified, it may not be the most
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