Leadership Analysis: Gallup's Strength-Based Leadership

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Analysis The strengths listed through the Gallup’s Strengths-based leadership applies to one’s professional work life and personal life. The area of harmony allows one to have the ability to allow participants within interdisciplinary groups agree upon a common idea even though everyone has differing points of views. They see common ground areas where people are able to agree upon a common decision within group discussions. This characteristic becomes applicable within the hospital work environment. During team consultation and decision-making meetings, coming to an area of agreement becomes crucial in moving forward with treatment for the patient. Also as an includer, one is able to include people into different activities and hearing from…show more content…
Additionally, close friends, and family members filled out emotional intelligence assessment and 360 Leadership Feedback Survey. After reviewing the leadership assessments one that the strengths within leadership or motivation include providing a positive example, creating an environment that helps other achieve their best, planning effective meetings, facilitating instead of dominating, and handling people with different desires. Within the area of character, one’s strengths include avoiding negativity and hidden agenda, able to take a courageous stance, selflessness, accepts fault for one’s mistakes, understand one’s strengths and limitations, avoid bias attitudes and treatment of others, recognize the strength in others with different characteristics and skills, and active listening. These strengths become effective in various work environments and personal relationships. Furthermore, emotional intelligence helps with emotional knowledge, perception, and regulation plus regular intelligence that helps the organization’s success (Scott-Ladd & Chan, 2004, p. 95). Organizational learning becomes effective with emotionally intelligent workers to help with the decision-making process (Scott-Ladd et al., 2004 p.…show more content…
Some of the characteristics included decisiveness, active listening, decision-making, critical thinking, directing, leading, troubleshooting, the expressiveness of feelings, self-awareness, abstract ideas, organizational growth. These strengths are characteristic that one would like to develop because it helps during one’s work and personal life. One of the strengths that one has trouble with relates to expressing their ideas and feelings towards others. This is something useful in their personal life to connect with friends. In addition, these characteristics become important in leadership positions. The characteristic of decisiveness becomes important when one becomes called to make a strong decision within group meetings and agree upon a decision in the end. Decisiveness allows leaders to make key decisions effectively. In addition, assertiveness becomes important within the job environment because it shows the employee’s self-confidence, politeness, and firmness. Another characteristic that one questions include restorative. One who is restorative like to challenge and solve complex problems and ideas. This strength becomes something that one does not rank particularly high while reviewing one’s assets. When reviewing this strength through the strength’s based leadership survey, this characteristic has importance, but not a value that most

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