Gender Stereotypes In Leadership

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Authors Sandberg and Chavez formed a strong and compelling argument in regards to the undermining stereotypes that millions of women all around the world are facing today. The word “bossy” is so commonly thrown around to characterize many women around the world, ranging from young girls in school yards to successful women like Susan Rice. The authors makes a valid point, bringing to the reader’s attention that, “Powerful and successful men are often well liked, but when women become powerful and successful, all of us—both men and women—tend to like them less” (Chavez and Sandberg 229). I find this to be true more often than not. Many people, including myself, believe that women are victims of gender bias regarding leadership. You may wonder…show more content…
This stereotype allows society to place more importance on leadership and dominance in young boys than young girls. In today’s schools it is “normal” for boys to take the leadership role upon themselves and take charge, in fact it is encouraged. It is expected that they are loud and outspoken, especially in regards to their opinions and ideas, while if roles were reversed, girls are expected to keep a low profile. “...studies have determined that teachers interact with and call on boys more frequently and allow them to shout out answers more than girls. It’s no surprise that by middle school, girls are less interested in leading than boys are” (Chavez and Sandberg 229). I feel that this quote offers a very strong point. If teachers would treat boys and girls the same and give both an equal opportunity to share their ideas and opinions as well as participate in activities where they’re encouraged to speak up and have a voice, it will increase the likelihood that these little girls in the future will be more willing to speak up and share their thoughts and ideas. This may even eliminate the negative connotation of the word “bossy” that is imposed on many young girls and…show more content…
Although the equity of men and women has come a long way since the previous years, it is important that we hold men and women to the same standard. Instead of judging a woman's character by the executive skills she posses and labeling them as “bossy” or “overly aggressive” simply for having the desire to succeed, we should appreciate their ability to not only put forth intelligent ideas but recognize them for the outstanding assertive leaders that they

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