Globalization Of Brand Marketing In India

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Liberalization, globalization and privatization have brought in radical changes in the Indian marketing scenario. Professionalization of marketing strategies of Indian companies, products proliferation, and diversity of consumer choice and entry of multinational corporations are a few of them. Indian brands need to be managed uniquely. Indian brand marketing creates an effective, integrated strategy to build a value added brand in today’s competitive marketing in India which mainly involves advertising, marketing, publicity and research. As retail industry in India is gradually edging its way towards becoming the next boom industry. Three year compounded annual growth rate of the industry is 46% providing around 8% employment. Several branded…show more content…
High-pressure life-style changes could make any shopping activity an outlet for a certain percentage of the customers. Again, sales promotion for any brand can boost the brand loyalty and can enhance the demand. Segment related discontinuity is also becoming very important for the Indian market as it provides the marketers with new ideas to proceed with their brands. This is because now, even a lower priced brand can easily compete with a higher priced one only because of its quality and distribution strategies, which really did happen with Nirma and Surl Excel or Ariel etc. customer involvement has been essential for any brand to grow as the market is dynamic in nature. Consumers may go through routine decision-making and make a repeat purchase of a brand due to the convenience factor rather than commitment to the factor. The market conditions decide the fate of every brand, so the companies require discovering new and innovative techniques to avoid unfavorable situations. So, to create a market leader it takes a lot from the companies as well as their every distribution channels. It is also true for the new multinationals emerging in India with their varied product range. They must learn the Indian consumer psychology to attack them from the correct direction. War between brands is a common thing in…show more content…
Branding a product sometimes doesn’t solve the problem; the characters involved in the advertisements have an important role to play. Nike, Adidas etc., companies are approaching athletes, soccer players, cricketers to do endorse their range of products and are giving hefty sums in return. The strategy is clear, they know all of them are champions of their sport and if they become the brand ambassador of their product, they will require less effort in promotion. Now-a-days in almost every advertisement, one finds the presence of a child. This is to focus on the child audience so that children end up deciding which product their parents should buy for them. Big companies like reliance, big bazar are multiplying their profits. They know that the customer always looks for the place where they can come do shopping and go at ease without even entering the hassles of bargaining. They are using their brand values and have captured almost all the markets one could ever imagine. The market is growing very fast and everyone is in a hurry to grab the maximum share. Exponential growth is the mantra driving every business house in the

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