Case Study: Marketing Without Consumer Understanding Is Sales

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Chapter 1 Understanding Consumer Behavior Ques1. ‘Marketing without consumer understanding is sales’. Do you agree? Why? Ans1. Yes, Marketing without consumer understanding is just like sales, because understanding the consumers is the main key to provide them good services. To provide good consumer care, we must deliver what we promise. But great consumer care involves getting to know your consumers so well that we can anticipate their needs and exceed their expectations. Marketing and sales go hand-in-hand, especially for business-to-business companies. For the business funnel to work smoothly, communication between the two departments is essential. Marketing team has a job to do, which is to generate leads for company. They do this through…show more content…
Enough Guidance: It might not be the concern of the color paints company to give free interior decorating ideas. But, Asian Paints has been giving advice and textual guidance regarding the interior designing and decoration. It associates the ideas of colors, color wheels and combinations for better room decoration. Asian Paints educates about colors making customers realize that playing with colors is fun and interactive. Introducing ‘Color Chef’ idea, this company gives freedom for customers to experiment before implementation. It provides wide ranges of color shades and textures so that one can decide what color to use. More than that, wise Asian Paints has paint budget guidance too. It has made Paint Budget Calculator available on its…show more content…
It encompasses all sorts of things—how we eat, play, dress, work, think, interact, and communicate. Everything we do, in essence, has been shaped by the cultures in which we are raised. Similarly, a person in another country is also shaped by his or her cultural influences. These cultural influences impact how we think and communicate. Most of the professionals think that in today’s shrinking world, cultural differences are no longer significant. It’s a common mistake to assume that people think alike just because they dress alike, it’s also a mistake to assume that people think alike just because they are similar in their word choices. The significance of the culture in understanding human behavior of which consumer behavior is a part, is that, it expands our understanding about consumer needs and wants. Thus understanding of culture enables the marketers to interpret the reaction of consumers to alternative marketing strategies. But as we know that in today’s shrinking world, cultural differences are no longer significant and in the sociology of consumption, we gained knowledge of how social factors such as social and reference groups, community, family, social class, and culture impact consumer behavior. The knowledge of consumer behavior is definitely useful in marketing in this era of

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