The Importance Of Love Marriage

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When two people decide to get married, it is one of the most important decisions of their lives, irrespective of the fact that it being an arranged marriage or love marriage, saying the golden words, to the marriage vows ‘I do’, is their consciously take decision to bond as Man & Wife. As days, months and even years pass by, the bond only becomes stronger, is what they use to say however in today days it seems like an arrangement where the love is lost and so are You (U) and your Spouse (S), where is the US in this relationship? Certain factors that shake this bond to some extent are 1. Mamma’s baby: It is good to care for your parents, however in our Indian society, it is noticed that married children are yet inclined to their parents constantly,…show more content…
Insecurity and interference: This is mainly noticed with the mothers of their only son, once he is married, the mother finds it very difficult to adjust with the fact that he now has a wife and is rightfully giving her equal or more attention which in-turn instills insecurity for both, the mother and the daughter-in-law as they both feel that he is only listening to her (either the mother or the wife), this leads to the man being torn between two most important women in his life. If the mother and the daughter-in-law understand and accept they both need his time in their own way, it would be less stressful for all three of them. 3. Everything else is important, but you: In a marriage, the most important person for an individual should be your spouse primarily and then your immediate family, friends and so on. When your spouse starts choosing their friends, work, time outs or even just being constantly on the phone while you are around, then it surely means that you aren’t that important anymore in this relationship. If you have even casually noticed or felt that way from within, trust your instinct (inner voice) and talk to your spouse and clear the air, set your…show more content…
Blame Game & The End: Now, that the distance evidently is exists, any decisions of the past that have gone wrong, come up blaming the other person that he/she coaxed the other to agree on this. Relationship issues that exited only between the two are now a drama for the society to talk about. One of the most sacred relationship and the only relationship that we choose ourselves, only with few couples seems like “… until death do us apart”, no one wants to adjust or seek even professional help. It is important for parents of young ones to live cordially together than to choose an option to separate. If you are going to get married soon or are newly married, build your relationship with your spouse, if you have been married for a while, look back at all the happy times and bring back that spunk to your lives. Lastly efforts have to be from both of you sailing on the marriage ship that sails through rough and calm waters, to keep it moving and afloat, both need to put in equal unconditional efforts – happily married will be your life long
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