Four Modes Of Communication

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1.What is communication ? Communication is a Latin word that means "sharing." This is information sharing among different people. It includes sharing ideas, concepts, imagination, behavior and written content. Communication is simply defined as the transfer of information from one place to another. This transfer of information can take place in different ways. APA 2.Identify and explain the modes of communication ? There are 4 modes of communication 1.Listening is receiving linguistics via ears. Listening means determining the sounds of speech and alter them into words and sentences. When we hear, we use our ear to get individual sounds (letters, stress, rhythm and pauses) and we use our brain to alternate…show more content…
Context. Why is the message being sent and what are the surrounding factors, conditions and environment? A straight forward explanation about the purpose of the message is important. Most recipients won't go further unless they understand why they are receiving the communication in the first place. Content. What is the message, what does it convey in facts and feelings, and what is the intended call-to-action for the reader? The content must be quickly and efficiently delivered to the intended audience without unnecessary, extraneous added information. Most messages, particularly marketing content, should be informative, engaging and with a call to action for the recipient - and an easy way for them to respond. Clarity. How does the message read or sound, it is uncluttered and understandable, and does it entice the recipient to want more information? Brevity counts, whether the communication is written, visual or audio. Effective messages are straight forward, easy to comprehend, and not offensive. Experts suggest crafting messages at a mid to late grade school level to improve effectiveness and…show more content…
The linear model’s behavior is belied by its name, where a sender encodes a message via a channel and the message is decoded by the receiver. It is straight-line communication found hardly in mass communication; Imagine television, radio, newspapers, etc. According to this model, there is no means for instant feedback rate and describe the 3 models of communication Interactive Communication Model In short, the interactive model takes a linear model and flipping the return message quickly, multiplying it by two. It now allows the element to be fed back because after the message is encoded and sent to the decoding receiver, the character is then inverted and the receiver encodes and sends a response to the original sender who is now the receiver. This sounds more confusing. Imagine exchanging sms, having your friend send you a message and you respond. The same happens with phone calls and even email exchanges. Sending and receiving messages, then roles are reversed. This is an interactive mode. Transactional Communication
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