Essay On Urban Resilience

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the effects of a hazard in a timely and efficient manner. This research argues that resilience is a context-specific multidimensional holistic concept which can guide the post-conflict reconstruction operations to produce a withstanding community that has the potential to prevent or at least limits the possibility of engaging in conflicts. Consequently, the conflict can be seen as an opportunity for attaining resilience. B. Disaster Risk Reduction UNISDR defined the disaster risk reduction(DRR) as a systematic process of using administrative decisions, organizations, operational capacities to implement policies, strategies, coping capacities to lessen the impacts of hazards. According to Ranasinghe, the DRR interventions can be further divided into prevention, mitigation, and preparedness. The prevention is the activities designated to provide permanent protection from disasters while mitigation is the…show more content…
However, literature discussed different tools of achieving resilience against disasters in general. Bull-Kamanga, Pelling, and High suggest that urban resilience can be achieved through the adaptive capacity of government institutions and communities [8][9]. Coaffee, Wood, and Rogers argue that resilience is most effective when it involves a mutual and accountable network of civic institutions, agencies and individual citizens working in partnership towards common goals within a common strategy [10]. Godschalk connects between the infrastructure protection and achieving resilience, he states that roads, utilities, and other support facilities are designed to continue functioning in the face of rising water, high winds, shaking the ground, and terrorist attacks [11]. Goldstein argues that the social aspect is fundamental to ensure urban resilience disasters which can be achieved through communication between different stakeholders

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