Marketing Communication Critical Analysis

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2 Critical Review of Marketing Communications Tool Organizations apply a progressive mixture of marketing communications tools and media to communicate peculiar messages and recommend customers to prefer there brands or merchandise. The components of the marketing communication mix feature distinct properties. Since the marketing tools possess varied potentials they can accomplish varied tasks. Hence, organizations use mix tools to accomplish their predetermined tasks by utilizing the available resources. Marketing communications is a vital component of the marketing mix that is usually expressed as Four P’s, namely promotion, product, price and place. (Hughes and Fill, 2007) These four components are recognized as the manageable variables…show more content…
The sellers adapted the concept of IMC and urged their advertising agencies to mix the promotional tools instead of just believing mainly on mass media advertising. (Pride et al, 2010)(Shah, 2014) (Shah, 2009) 3.1 Importance of IMC The shift towards integrated marketing communications was significant in 1990s and the approach was realized and taken over by several small as well as big establishments. Mostly shifts have happened within customers regarding demographics, modes, media utilization and purchasing and shopping practices. Consumers are surfing worldwide web and online services have gained importance. Internet has gained success to exchange information and to communicate with large number of consumers where in home pages are developed to advertise products and services and interact with the potential buyers. The consumers are not responding well to traditional advertising and hence IMC perspective searches for new modes to reach the larger audience and convey their promotional…show more content…
Consequently, small businesses can stress their fixed marketing resources where they expect good results. A direct marketing campaign possessing a clean-cut promise to action can assist establishments to foster the sales with present customers, enhance customer loyalty, reconquer former clients and give fresh business. Direct marketing can be assessed and quantified exactly. The organizations can examine results to determine the most responsive target audience. The marketing with representative sample groups can be tested earlier to unrolling of the campaign so that it can give the best reaction rate. Whether organizations aim (b2b) clients or consumers, direct marketing can render outcomes. Selecting the correct communication system is critical. Businesses can be more inceptive to receiving sales telephones than users. People will favor distinct ways of contact, so it is important that the preferred type and time of contact is right. (The Marketing Donut, 2014) (Roberts and Media,

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