Reading Comprehension Essay

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Cognizant to the low performance of the students in NAT, the Department of Education Secretary Armin A. Luistro (2012) underscored that it is important to consider the reading capability of students because reading is the foundation of all academic learning. Hence, if pupils fail to master basic reading skills at the outset, consequently, they would have a constant struggle to other disciplines. Thus, depriving them of the chance to become literate and productive individuals (The Philippine Star, 2012). Obviously, the ultimate purpose of reading is comprehension. Therefore, it is absolute that no reading takes place when there is no comprehension. According to Espino (2014) reading comprehension is one of the pillars of the act of reading.…show more content…
It is said that the cause of the low reading performance of the students is vividly linked to the comprehension level and reading skills of the students. Thus, there is a need then to remedy the situation. As Goodman (1972) says to address the pressing problem educators need to go back to the function of reading as the basic tool in all subject areas because much of the learning is anchored on this macro-skill which is an indispensable…show more content…
Accordingly, this approach is successful for language learning because learners learn best by doing (Waguey & Hufana, 2012). This approach uses authentic data for classroom activities which gives importance on meaning to communicate in the real world. Task-based learning activities provide a method to speed up student’s language development in different situations while in the classroom (Thanghun, 2012). In this sense, Task-Based Instruction (TBI) presents opportunities to utilize effective and meaningful activities that promotes communicative language use in the language
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